Is the Ultimate Fighting Championship homoerotic? Screw gun control and the fiscal cliff, this
is the big question on my mind lately. I was having lunch with a friend the
other day and the restaurant had a UFC match on. I said, “Is it just me or is this UFC stuff
kinda gay?” She said, “Funny you should say that because my husband loves it
and I told him it was too homoerotic for me.
He got really upset and said it was the manliest sport there is!” After
that conversation I started asking everyone I talked to about their opinion on
the matter. The result? 100% of those asked, both male and female, gay
and straight, concurred the UFC is really gay (not that there’s anything wrong
with that).
Some responses:
“Of course it’s gay. Move #3 is called the ‘Iron Teabag.’”
“Oh for sure, those guys sniff more ass than a German Shepherd!”
“Dude, I wouldn’t be surprised if they bring costumes into that sport
soon. My bet for the first match is Cher
Vs. Cop with Mustache.”
I don’t really watch the stuff myself.
It’s kind of like watching the Joe Theisman Injury over and over.
But how say you?